Lisa Frost
photo (1)10405283_10152978543854101_5865950430511035993_n10629702_10152978543899101_8041453924589866439_n10629583_10152978543919101_542412036785730190_n10364077_10152978543834101_2692456178275147134_n On November 29, 2014 FROSTYLAND rolled into the City Hall of Rockford, Illinois for one night of shopping and FUN! Thousands of people strolled through the space finding lots of holiday gifts and decorations for their loved ones. I appreciate the opportunity and the JOY to participate in such a beautiful community event. I am thankful for all those who support and believe in my mission to spread cheer throughout the LAND. I am so excited about the holiday season. xox lisA fRosT

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