The Sky is BLUE with this Frost & Friends scholarship!
Meet Skye. She is a talented art student who was nominated by her art teachers for the Frost & Friends scholarship this past year. She took the time to report to us about her experience at Summer Art Camp. She is an amazingly talented and charismatic gal...and I am happy we could help. I hope all of her dreams come true!
xox lisA
Read her story...

Three of the most unforgettable people I will ever meet. During this time, we were asked to do a project with students that were training to be teachers. We had non stop laughter and fun. During camp, i met a plethora of different people. Each was unique in their own way, and was super easy to get along with. I wish that life could always be as easy/fun/exciting as it was at NIU.

This was the final result of the art project that we did with the future teachers. Our assignment was to come up with an inspirational saying, motto, etc. and form a hand gesture with them. Then we used masking tape and formed a cast. At the art gallery, there was a room set aside special for this project..each hand was filled with a blinking candle. The casts were strung from the ceiling in a dark room. It was incredible.
I could never thank you enough for what you've done for me…You have given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and have open me up to a whole new world. I love you!! (:

Lisa Frost,
Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity to go to NIU art camp this past was truly the best week of my life. Without you, none of it would have been made possible. Here are a few pictures that were taken while at camp..

They also had very delicious cookies. (:

On the last day we had a bowling competition, above was my team "The Raging Bowls." Two of my teammates also received a scholarship from Lisa Frost. Top Middle-Erika Garldino (Guilford HS). Top Right- Monica Skrzypczak (Boylan HS)

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