Need a helpful way to keep track of all of your plantings? Well, I found a solution! The local garden store had all these tomatoes and the Home Depot had the plastic plant ID Tags with 7" Wood Sticks, they came in a pack of 6 for $4.79. The empty seed packets fit perfectly in the sleeve.
Now, you can take this a step futher by creating your own ID Tag...like shown here. A hand created tag will give your garden a little more personality. I then took the plant tag and placed it in the back so that I have the planting information at hand.
This year, I planted a flight of heirloom tomatoes, sunflowers, beets, radish, colored carrots, basil, cilantro, red, yellow and green peppers.
I hope to have a tomato tasting party in August. Kind of like a wine tasting but with salt.
I am so excited!!!
Happy planting!
xox lisA
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