Painted Bookcase

Lisa Frost
Books inspire me. I hold onto the "keepers".  You know, the ones that you can pick up and read again and again. I love the way a book looks after you've read it a couple of times.  Each page is touched by your hands and devoured by your eyes.  A well read book looks worn like an old shoe. I am in favor of reading books in a digital format but there is something to be said for being able to hold the book in your hands, smell the pages, and return to it again and again.  So at any rate, I thought that my favorite books needed a very special place to sit.  So I painted a bookcase. I sanded, primed, sketched a design,painted and varnished a bare wood bookcase. Painting is feeling liquified. And this is what I came up with... Happy Summer Reading! xox lisA          

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