I'm a romantic. I love birthdays. I happen to celebrate mine this past week. I am not an ego maniac. I just like to view the birthday as a Happy New Year of sorts. It's when the sun and the stars and the planets line up to that same place as they were the day you were born. A fresh new start...on the journey.

I didn't have any expectations for the day, but my handsome gave me daisies as he has done every year since I was 23. (Kevin, my husband...not my dog.)

He also surprised with a set of Corinthian Bells. I have wanted them for such a long time. I immediately hung them by my front door. (Feng Shui principle.) They make the most beautiful music...and my house is filled with JOY!

I "frosted it up" with my family at my favorite restaurant, Alchemy! I was so happy to spend it with my parents and in-laws too. My daughter Libbie created a beautiful piece of artwork, and minutes before this photo was taken my Madeline scored 2 goals in her soccer game.

My sweet friend Nicole D'Alton Gilfillan remembered how I said I love to hear violins! She remembered a beautiful story she once heard on I tunes and recollected the music. She burned me the CD of that very music, knit this cute heart and wrote a sweet card. Friendship. She has taught me/ reminded me to really "listen" . What a great lesson. I feel so inspired I just had to share...I hear violins!
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