How to make a HAPPY day even HAPPIER...

Lisa Frost
10322706_10152528626514101_1088520947656551841_nI was in charge of the decorating and favors for the 8th grade graduation at my daughter's school. I wanted to create something joyful, relevant and personal. Then it struck me. You know those little faces that show emotions on your cell phone? They are called Emojis. My daughter uses them all the time to communicate with her friends. I chose the "Happy Emoji's"...and that is what I used as a theme for the 8th grade graduation. photo-168 I cut large circles out of Foam Core board, painted both sides and added glitter to the white parts of the Emoji face. I cut slits into the top of the pole for the Emoji to slide and I poured sturdy plaster into a base to keep the pole/ Emoji structure standing tall. I had a balloon bouquet of rainbow colors to add additional color and energy.(I just LOVE the symbolic nature of balloons at a graduation...they are perfect.)IMG_8163IMG_8166 I made personalized autograph dogs for each of the The dogs and the great challenge of "the autograph" kept the kids busy and interacting with one another throughout the party. IMG_8181IMG_8176IMG_8183photo-170 Earlier in the month, I had asked each student to write "what they want to be when they grow up" on a piece of poster-board. I snapped an instant Polaroid picture. This became part of the Dream Big clothespin display. IMG_8173IMG_8162 I am honored to have been a part of this happy day. Congratulations to all the 8th graders and their families on this special day. Dream Big!

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