My life is like a 3 Ring Circus...

Lisa Frost
Do you ever feel like your life is like a 3 ring circus?  There is always so much going on.  Start, stop, start, stop.  Trying to focus on one task is no easy feat. This all came into focus when I went to the circus this past weekend. It reminded me of my life. School is out, the kids are home.  I am trying to run my business, manage my little studio, fill on- line orders, develop new pieces, blog everyday, plan a huge community event , exercise, eat healthy, sleep, and most importantly be a good mom. I feel like I am in charge of everyone's schedule , laundry, meals, taxi driver, etc.  Did I tell you I am planning a garage sale too?  Quite frankly I am about to lose my mind. Breathe. Focus. And the giant question is: How do we find focus in this hectic world? Here are some suggestions from the book "How Successful People Think" by John Maxwell 1. Remove distractions, remove the clutter, be in the present. One thing at a time. 2. Set goals.  Write it down. Make lists. Cross them off. Focus on the completion of each task. 3. Look and refer to your list of goals often. Keep items of focus before you. ( I tape them to my wall.) 4. Make time to "think".  I am always so busy, I have to pencil in time to "think".  Sounds funny doesn't it?  But if I don't months pass and I am running in circles with my thoughts and energy. 5. Question your progress. Am I crossing things off my list?  How are the strategies working? 6. Stay Positive.  (I added this one!) Don't beat yourself up.  As long as you're trying you're doing better than you did before. Hummmmm....Now I will take some of my own advice. I will start with a list of recreational goals for the summer...hahahaha. (It's the ol' carefree spirit taking center stage again!) Well, you know how it is...the next time you look at the calendar, it's August. Summer focus and goals are important too. Off to focus on the hard stuff now... or, off to run away with the circus. hahaha. Have a great start to your summer! xox lisA          

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